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Astrology is scientific & it works

Astrology means study of lights, which guides you to come closer, to almighty and neutralize your karma, ultimately shaping a better human being out of you. A simple explanation on the working of this system is, the light which comes from the sun is captured by plants and is transmitted to all the living beings on this earth whether vegetarian or non vegetarian. Thus quoting newton’s law that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it just transmits from one form to the other. We all have light energy in us, the planets too reflect the light from sun, thus the planetary positions at the time of birth shapes the destiny of the child. A horoscope is a balance sheet of your past karma, in simple words as you sow so shall you reap. Thus astrology tells you the cause of your sufferings and guide you how to neutralize them with various remedies as mentioned in our ancient literature. Just like any other science astrology is one of the greatest science our sages have ever discovered. It is not just a tool to peep into the future but shows us the path to reach the supreme one day.

” Millionaires don’t need astrologers but billionaires do.”

– J.P. Morgan

Upcoming MAjor Transits

aries, fire, ram head
Mars Transit in ARIES

On 16 August 2020, at 20:37 hours, the planet will change its place and move out of Pisces to enter Aries. It will then turn retrograde on 10 September, and on 4 October will return to the zodiac sign Pisces at 09:55 Hours. It will then turn direct once again, on 14 November, while posited in the last sign of the zodiac cycle, and on 24 December will again enter Aries. Mars is the major karaka for energy, fire, industry, armed forces and is considered to be a natural malefic planet. To know its effect on your sign kindly consult your astrologer.

Rahu Ketu transit in Taurus and Scorpio

Considered to be the karmic control planets, they have a major say in modifying your destiny hence their transit is given a lot of importance. They change sign every 18 months and always travel in retrograde manner.

You need to be at the right place on right time with the right people to be SUCCESSFUL 

Customers reviews

Predictions made by you have been quite accurate. The advises that you have given to me have been very fruitful. Thank you keep predicting. You are a good astrologer.
Sanjana Chiripal
Jeweller, Hyderabad
Dr Arvind has been my astrology consultant for some time. I did not have accurate birth details & I had consulted many astrologers in past but wasn't satisfied . He has been pritty accurate with his readings and remedies are highly effective. Recommended for your astrology needs.
Pawan Srimal
Industrialist, Bengaluru